In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill
Mack Tomlinson
The name of Leonard Ravenhill, for generations of evangelicals, has been connected with the reality of prayer, God-sent revival, and holiness of life. His book, Why Revival Tarries, has been used by God world-wide during the last 40 years to stir thousands of Christian leaders with a burden for genuine spiritual awakening. To have heard Leonard Ravenhill preach in the second half of the 20th century was indeed a soul-jarring experience. Now, via the internet, thousands more have discovered the powerful ministry of this British prophet and revivalist.
Ravenhill's spiritual life, uniquely marked by experiential godliness, was firmly rooted in 18th century Methodism, similar to John Wesley and George Whitefield. His grandmother, mother, and later his father, were all converted through that heritage of spiritual life and the powerful movings of the Holy Spirit. Converted at the age of fifteen, he entered the ministry at age 21, a ministry which was characterized for over sixty years by a deep life of prayer, passionate evangelism, and a powerful preaching gift. Along with Martyn Lloyd-Jones and J. Edwin Orr, Ravenhill was one of the few specialists in the 20th century regarding the message of genuine revival and spiritual awakening.
Now, for the first time since his death, a full biography on his life, In Light of Eternity: The Life of Leonard Ravenhill, published by Free Grace Press, has been written, which extensively covers his entire life and ministry. The author, Mack Tomlinson, details Ravenhill's early life, his conversion, call to the ministry, and the two ministry periods in Britain (28 years) and America (36 years) that spanned the 20th century. Through his preaching, books, and personal example, Ravenhill impacted hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.
What Christian leaders have said about Leonard Ravenhill and this biography:
“Those who know Leonard Ravenhill recognize in him the specialist, the man sent from God to battle the priests of Baal on their own mountain top and to warn the people who are being led astray by them. Such a man as this is not an easy companion. Why do we have such fiery swords as Ravenhill? They are sick inside when they see the children of heaven acting like the sons of earth. To such men, the church owes a debt too heavy to pay.” - A. W. Tozer
“I was introduced to Leonard Ravenhill at the very beginning of my Christian pilgrimage. The impact of his life upon mine remains to this day. He lived as one who dwelt in the shadow of the Almighty and he preached as one who was sent from God. He was the rarest commodities in his day and ours--a man of God.” - Paul Washer
“Leonard Ravenhill was one of the few men I have ever known who was a true prophet. I am glad this book has finally been written.” - David Wilkerson
“The truth is, even though I am known now as an apologist for the Christian faith, I really owe any passion for God, for prayer, or for true revival that initially began in me, to Leonard Ravenhill. He, by God's grace, was the catalyst that has caused the passion to know God to continue to this day.” - Ravi Zacharias
Paul Washer's review
Interview with Author Mack Tomlinson

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